Thursday, November 19, 2015

What Will Make You Pick It Up?

Jolly Green Giant 

This brochure design that was featured on stood out to me because of the bold color that was used throughout the whole background of the brochure. The contrast between the bright and dark greens draws the eye to it, making someone want to pick it up and read it. One of the main reasons this design is successful is because of its cover. Right away without reading anything on the brochure, you can assume that it is about power and electricity. Within the brochure, the designer stuck with a green theme and used white, black and lime green within the text. The colors stand out well on this dark green background. Not only does the text stands out, but it is also easy to read. Throughout the brochure, the designer chose to keep all of the headings in the same font. This gives the brochure a sense of unity even with the text colors being different. The way the designer made the beginning letter of the type larger and bolder brings the reader’s attention to that part of the writing. This brochure also does not have type overload. The purpose of a brochure nowadays is to get people to go to your website. This is a good way of laying out the important facts and not overwhelming the reader. Not only did the designer use an image on the cover of the brochure, but they also decided to add one on the inside panel with a few other background graphics. This is a good way to make sure a brochure is not going overboard on the type or leaving too much white space in the design. The only critique of this design that I can notice off hand is the title of the brochure. The designer could have laid out the business’s name so that it is more pleasing to the eye. It looks as if it was just placed in the corner without any thought. Overall, this designer created a good brochure with design hierarchy and proper color choices.

Head In The Clouds

This brochure was also found on This brochure grabbed my attention because of the graphics on the cover. It was eye catching that the designer decided to put all the social media logos on the cover as if they were floating on a cloud. Social media, for the most part, tends to be light and fun. The designer portrayed that well in their design by using light colors and fluffy cloud graphics. The layout of this brochure does a good job with design hierarchy. On the inside panel, the text starts off on the whole page, then is followed by a center picture with smaller text all around it. It then has more text underneath that is placed evenly below the middle graphics. This brings your eyes to the middle where the important text seems to be placed. The designer carried the social media logo graphics to the inside of the brochure which gives it some liveliness among all the text. The headings on the type are larger than the text bellow which allows the reader to know what each section is about easier. Under the headings is a smaller darker type. This is also good so that it will be easier for the reader to see when looking at large amounts of type. The font goes along with the fun and light style of the brochure. The designer seemed to use color to separate specific parts of the text. This makes it clear for the reader to tell the difference between specific information. There is just enough text in this layout to get the message across without it being overwhelming. The use of social media logos through the design keeps the reader engaged. The designer also used the cloud graphics to fill white space within the layout. The only thing I would personally change on this layout is the small text that is underneath the title of the brochure on the cover. I cannot read what it says, but it looks misplaced, like it is not supposed to be there. If for some reason it was necessary to the brochure, a different color text along with a larger style font would make it look much nicer. Overall, I think the design of this brochure was completed well. Fun and inviting styles make people want to read what you wrote, and that is the whole point of creating a brochure. I would defiantly use some of these elements in my own brochure if I were to create another one.

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