Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Logo or No-go

Reasons for Success

The Bic logo is very bold and stands out. The black against the yellow makes the writing legible and not over powering. The fact that there is a little person holding a pen make the view aware what this whole business is about.

Although this logo isn't modern, it's classic. The HB combo brings the title together in a simple yet aesthetically pleasing way. The crown brings it all together with a touch of royalty.

 This logo is simple yet effective. The white against the red makes the white symbol pop. The name of the store is Lulu Lemon. The fact that is looks like two backwards L's but also isn't directly associated with a letter makes it interesting.

The sprint logo is creative because it looks like the bars on a cell phone. That is the first thing you notice when looking at this symbol. It ties in directly to the company without any confusion.

The fact that the creator used a minimal designed toucan really works well with this logo. The toucan is a colorful bird and drives the point home that it is for an ink company. The black bird with the bright colors of the beak stands out and is eye catching.

It's all about ME ME ME!

My company is going to be a small Public Relations company for small businesses. I want to my product to a service. I want it to revolve around being reliable and approachable, especially to our clients. Visually I want the logo to be welcoming and simple. I would like it to be relatable to the common small business.



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